August 16, 2023

Meeting called to order at 5:30 with the following directors present: Lindsey Gray, Stephen

Knight, Eric Zey, Ron Moerbe, Stacey Colvin, Tracy Staats, Chris Meade, Jim Penn, Houston

Haley, Robert McCall.


Motion was made by Eric and seconded by Stephen to accept as corrected and



Current balance as of 7/31/2023 $184,597.87. A motion was made by Lindsey to approve a

$360 invoice associated with expenses for DCP. Seconded by Stephen. Approved.


Everyone agreed this event must be scheduled early and widely publicized earlier next

year. 28 students participated. Every effort must be made to identify participants and gather

vital info early. It must be noted walk ins are allowed. We need a minimum of 16 volunteers.


PATHWAY begins on the 19 th and both remaining Saturdays in August. In September they will

be held on 2, 16, 30 at 10:00 am.

Chris says he currently has no Level 1 or 2 kids but expects 15 at each level so needs $1,000

worth of equipment. Jim moved to approve the expenditure and Lindsey seconded and it



Robert said 60 of the 96 participants are paid. We have 24 teams and room for one more.

Jim says he would prefer an alternative to serving Boot Ranch breakfast due the poor

performance last year. It was suggested we add a breakfast bar in the goodie bag. Agreed.

Tracy said she would try to get someone to serve bloody marys.

We will try to move the awards ceremony and auction inside due to space limitations.

Next meeting 13 September.

Jim moved we adjourn and Eric concurred. Everyone agreed. 6:28

Ron Moerbe
